Educational Activities

云端揽胜 乐享科学

Enjoy Science through Cloud Activities


China Science and Technology Museums Online Science Activities Come with Overwhelming Momentum



What you need to do is to touch the phone screen with your finger. Then you can break the shackles of time and space, and immediately follow the instructor of China Science and Technology Museum to tour the exhibition hall and experience the exhibits. Not only that, but you can get up close and personal with a lively and interesting science lesson. If you feel that you are not fully enjoyed, don't worry, Cloud Class also has other wonderful story-telling session, and rich popular science lectures.


Facing the uncertainty of epidemic situation, China Science and Technology Museum has been actively innovating the way of carrying out education activities. The Science on the Cloud series will be launched in the summer. Abundant popular science content, such as exhibits, science class and signature activities, will be displayed in clouds by means of graphics and texts, audio and video, and live streaming online. The program includes four columns: Tour China Science and Technology Museum Online, Cloud Science Class, Cloud Story-telling Session and Cloud Lectures. Through the official website of China Science and Technology Museum, Mobile Science and Technology Museum, China Digital Science and Technology Museum and other web pages and new media platforms, the activity contents are constantly updated every day and scientific knowledge can be obtained at home.


What wonderful contents does "Science on the Cloud" have? Join me for a sneak peek.

Section 1: Tour China Science and Technology Museum Online


云游中科馆 栏目包含“主题云看展”“云讲馆宝”“云微展”“云秀场”“云游VLOG”“展厅直播”6个板块,推出展厅主题讲解辅导、展品深度解读、展厅参观攻略等内容,力求为观众提供多场景、多形式、丰富主题的游玩导览体验。小编可以负责任地说,此栏目将会把实体科技馆360度无死角完美地呈现给大家!千万不要错过哟!

Tour China Science and Technology Museum Online includes six sections: "Themed Cloud Exhibition", "Cloud Talk on Museum Treasure", "Cloud Micro Exhibition", "Cloud Science Show", "Cloud Tour VLOG" and "Exhibition Hall Live Broadcast". It offers exhibition hall theme explanation and guidance, in-depth interpretation of exhibits, and exhibition hall visit strategies, etc., in an effort to provide visitors with multi-scene, multi-form and multi-themed tour experience. I can responsibly say that this column will present perfectly to you the 3D physical science and technology museum with no dead angle! Don't miss it!

Section 2: Cloud Science Class


云端科学课 是科技馆辅导员们精心策划、倾力制作的一档栏目,包含多种精彩的实验、有趣的动手做、耐人寻味的小游戏等活动课程。详细的实验制作步骤,系统的原理解释,简单易得的道具,是再好不过的居家亲子课堂了,快和爸爸妈妈一起,跟着辅导员开始“云端科学课”,保准你也能成为响当当的科普达人!

Cloud Science Class is a column carefully planned and made by the facilitators of China science and Technology Museum. It contains a variety of wonderful experiments, interesting hands-on activities, engaging games and other activities. Science classes with easy-to-get simple props, detailed experimental steps and systematic explanations of principles are the best home-based parent-child classes. Attend the "Cloud Science Class" with mom and dad, and follow the instructor, and you can become an excellent popular science expert!

Section 3: Science Story telling


云趣故事会 栏目将展示中科馆2016年创办的品牌教育活动 “科学故事会”相关内容,活动鼓励儿童自主思维,搭建学科学、倡阅读、促表达、展风采的舞台,集中展示小朋友们的优秀作品,包括儿童科幻故事、科幻绘画作品等,孩子们脑洞大开的创作一定会让您赞不绝口!此外,在该栏目中,您还能欣赏到以非遗代表项目“皮影剧”方式展示的古代科技故事。

This column of Cloud Story Telling is mainly about the content of "Science Story telling", a signature educational program launched by China Science and Technology Museum in 2016. The activity creates a platform to encourage children to think for themselves, to learn science, to read, to express and to show themselves. Excellent works of children, such as children's science fiction stories, science fiction paintings and other works are displayed. You will love the children's imaginative works! In addition, in this column, you can also enjoy the ancient science and technology stories presented in the way of "shadow play", a representative project of intangible cultural heritage.

Section 4: China Science and Technology Museum Cloud Lecture Hall

 中科馆云讲堂 栏目以中科馆品牌活动“中科馆大讲堂”为依托,通过科普讲座以及科学脱口秀、科普看片会、科普阅读会等新颖形式开展科学传播,活动邀请各个领域的科学大咖与观众互动,搭建科学家与社会大众沟通与交流的桥梁!本次活动中,“中科馆大讲堂”从传统的线下讲座模式调整为“云讲堂”,并推出系列在线直播,将大大拓展你的科技视野,满满的干货绝对解馋!

The column "China Science and Technology Museum Cloud Lecture Hall" is based on the brand activity "China Science and Technology Museum Lecture Hall". Science communication are carried out through popular science lectures, science talk shows, watching popular science videos, reading sessions and other novel forms. The event invites great scientists in various fields to interact with the audience and builds a bridge of communication between scientists and the public. In this activity, "Science Lecture Hall" has changed from offline lecture mode to online mode, and launched a series of online live broadcasts, which will greatly expand your vision of science and technology and definitely meet your thirst for knowledge.


Knowing that there are so many rich online resources, it's time to make an online summer schedule for visiting the science museum! Remember, there are nine sections in the four columns, updated every day! Don't miss them.



Enjoy Science through Cloud Activities


Please pay close attention to the "Science on the Cloud" activity of China Science and Technology Museum!


中国科技馆展览教育中心常态教育组 杜心宁供稿



Based on the concept ‘experience science and enlighten innovation’, the exhibitions and education activities of China Science and Technology Museum seek to encourage visitors to meet, comprehend and love sciences during their hands-on interaction and experience. Different activities are provided other than permanent exhibitions mainly in two kinds: regular shows and demonstrations in exhibition halls such as experimental shows, presentation and science experience. The above-mentioned are relatively fixed in the contents, venues and times. The other one is science practice courses based on the exhibitions. These courses are carried out with the rigid themes.