Permanent Exhibitions

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Explorations and Discoveries > Introduction

Explorations and Discoveries is located on the second floor of the main hall, composed of Halls A and B. It mainly presents the explorations and discoveries of basic sciences in modern times, as well as scientific ideology and methodology in exploring sciences. Hall A is divided into five areas, respectively Marvel of Material, Beauty of Light and Shadow, Mystery of Electromagnetism, Law of Movement, and Fascination of Space; Hall B is composed of three areas, respectively Charm of Mathematics, Rhythm of Sound, and Secret of Life. The halls respectively demonstrate the exploring process and the important achievements in chemistry, electromagnetism, optics, mechanics, astronomy, mathematics, acoustics and life science. Various forms of presenting and interaction enable visitors to experience the spirit of science, and enjoy the pleasure of exploring and discovering.

Two experiment demonstrations on the themes of electromagnetism and atmospheric pressure and demonstrating project of high-voltage discharge are available for visiting at regular time in Hall A.