Service Information


1. Visitors driving to the Museum should park in the parking lot southern to the West Gate of the Museum.

2. Visitors enter the Museum from East or West Gate. If you wish to purchase tickets on the visiting day, the west entrance would be more convenient.

3. Tickets for the main exhibition hall are valid only on the purchasing day. If you need a second check-in for movie, lunch or looking for companions, please leave a remark at the ticket entrance.

4. Tickets for Science Paradise are valid on the purchasing day. If you need a second check-in for movie, lunch or looking for companions, please leave a remark at the ticket entrance. Children should be accompanied by adults. Adults with no child are refused to enter.

5. For the special-effect movies, please pay attention to the session and the time. The movies are not suitable for those with heart disease or hypertension, and infants.

6. Ticket: If you want to visit the main exhibition hall and Science Paradise, please go to the outdoor ticket office in the west square; if you want to watch special effect movies, please go to the ticket office on the south side of the west hall; if you are on a group visit, please go to the west hall for tickets.