Service Information

Safety Precautions

1. Please visit during opening hours, buy or exchange tickets in advance, go through security checks, have your tickets checked in line. Group visits should be reserved in advance and confirmed through contracts. The organizers of visiting groups should give safety education and custody to group members and arrange relevant insurances for group.

2. Senior citizens, pre-school children, juvenile students, disabled people, and other special groups of visitors, should be accompanied by guardians during visiting and participating in the interactive projects. Guardians should be responsible for their safety.

3. It is strictly prohibited to bring restrained knives, edge tools, inflammables, explosives, toxic or harmful or other dangerous articles into the Museum. Open fire and smoking are forbidden. Please carry and take good care of your valuables with you. Bulky items should be deposited.

4. Please follow the safety guidance of the staff and visit in order. Do not push each other, run, play, make loud noises, or privately enter areas that are not allowed for visit. Please keep safe and civilized during the visit.

5. When you use the elevators, escalators or staircases, please comply with the orders and rules and follow the guidance. It is strictly forbidden to sit, lie, play, or go in the reverse direction on escalators. Senior citizens, toddlers, and disabled people should take elevators. There are lounges set in the Museum. Sitting or lying on floor in lounges is forbidden in case of stampedes.

6. Please comply with the operating instructions while interacting with exhibits. Those who deliberately destroy exhibits or public facilities shall be sent over to public security organs and dealt with according to national legislations.

7. Please keep the Museum clean. Do not turn on the fire alarms in exhibition halls when there is no need or hit the power switch at will. Those whose irregularities cause accidents should be responsible of the consequences.

8. Senior citizens, pregnant women, infants, toddlers and visitors with heart diseases, hypertension, lumbar diseases, or cervical spondylosis, should participate in visits or activities according to the notice in exhibitions and theatres in case of feeling uncomfortable or getting injures accidentally.

9. In case of emergency, please follow the guidance of emergency signs, broadcasts and staff, and evacuate immediately through the emergency exit.

Do-not-take items list

1. Firearms, military or police weapons (including the main parts of them), and the imitations of the items stated above.

2. Explosives including dynamites, demolition equipment and materials, fireworks and firecrackers, and the imitations of the items stated above.

3. Regulated knives including daggers, three-square tools (including fluted scrapers for machining use), ethnic knives, flick knives with automatic lock system, and other similar knives with one, two, or three blades.

4. Sharp tools and blunts including kitchen knives, table knives, large-sized fruit knives, handiwork knives, scissors, steel or iron files, axes and hammers.

5. Inflammable and easily explosive item including alcohol, petroleum, kerosene, diesel, lighters, matchsticks, hair sprays, mousses, nail polish, hair dyes, delusterant and so on.

6. Dangerous substances which are toxic (e.g. mercury, highly toxic fertilizers) or erosive (e.g. hydrochloric acids, sulfuric acid).

7. Liquids excluding packaged beverages which have been drunk by owners for examination.

8. Illegal printings and propaganda materials related to political, religious, and commercial publicity.

9. Slogans, banners and flags, which have potential influences on order.

10. Other items that may jeopardize the safety of visitors, personal possessions and exhibits, and that are prohibited by laws of China.